September 13, 2012

How to Make Your Own Old Fashion Butter Caramels and College Fudge

Homemade candies are always a extra treat. And it's always fun to secure the youngsters colse to and show them how to make candy. The keys to making good homemade candy are to follow the instructions carefully. For instance, if the directions say to stir constantly, you must stir permanently or your candy will burn or be grainy. This Butter Caramel recipe says to cook to a firm ball stage. You must be sure to sure to sure cold water for this test and a firm ball is one you don't shape but that forms on its own in the water. If the recipe calls for beating the mixture, it is foremost to give it a good hard beating, not straightforward stirring. Here are old fashion recipes for Butter Caramels and College Fudge which is a rich chocolate. Both recipes are great for sending to the kids away at college, friends or relatives in the military, etc.

Butter Caramels

1 quart heavy cream
1 lb butter
4 cups granulated sugar
3 1/2 cups white corn syrup
1 lb pecan halves

In a heavy saucepan, join heavy cream, butter, sugar, and corn syrup. Bring to a polite boil and boil without stirring until a firm ball forms in cold water (this will take an hour or so). Remove pan from the heat and add nuts and some vanilla to taste. Mix well. Pour into a cookie sheet that has sides. Let stand overnight. Cut into pieces and wrap in waxed paper.

College Fudge

1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
3 tbsps cocoa
1 tbsp butter
1 cup milk
1 cup chopped nutmeats
1 tsp vanilla extract

Put the brown sugar, white sugar, and cocoa in a 2-quart saucepan; mix to blend. Add the butter and gently pour in the milk. Stir together well. Over a low to medium heat bring the blend to a boil. Continue boiling while stirring; cook to the soft ball in cold water stage. Cool slightly then beat until creamy. Add in the vanilla and nuts. Mix well and pour into a buttered pan to cool. Pan size will depend on either you want thin pieces of fudge or thick pieces.


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